Student Development & Counselling
Student Accomodation
Student Graduation
Career Services & Advisory
Career Development & Training
Getting Connected



Personal Development Matters

Sharing. Rewarding. Satisfaction

EWIC will shape and mould you not only to be the best professionals in your industry, but to be better citizens of the world.

We will encourage you to join and connect with charitable events and organizations, as well as promote environmental friendly habits that you will hopefully adopt as part of your daily lives. Here are some of the fun and meaning activities that were successfully carried out by the students:

  • bringing cheer to the orphanages
  • pitching manpower to renovate an orphanage
  • sharing ideas on improving the environment
  • teaching high school students the art of basic cooking

Student Counselling Services

As part of our initiative to ensure that you are well-adjusted and able to cope with your academic and personal demands, EWIC offers various forms of guidance counselling services. Students who are experiencing anxiety, stress or other worries are strongly encouraged to speak to our guidance counsellors for assistance.

Individual Counselling

Counselling is offered in areas such as relationship issues, family issues, emotional issues, academic challenges, stress and anxiety, and adjustment to campus life. Besides that, counselling is also aimed to support personal growth, improve your problem-solving and coping skills.

Group Counselling

Small groups of 3-10 students meet face-to-face with one or more trained facilitators to have an open conversation about issues of concern.

Peer Counselling Programme

You are encouraged to join the Peer Counselling Programme as volunteers. Peer counsellors will be trained and supervised by our professional counsellors. All services are free, private and confidential for EWIC students. Our counsellors will also work with students who need long-term care to find a good match with a clinician off campus.

Workshops and Talks

To enhance your well-being, EWIC offers relevant workshops and talks on student related issues such as Stress Management, Managing Challenges, Cultural Adaptation and Personal Development.

Academic Pastoral Care

You are provided with pastoral care in your academic progress. Assistance such as counselling for exam stress, academic counselling, and monitoring your progress are available. Workshops will also be organised to ensure you gain the greatest benefit possible from your College education.

Study Skills Support

If you are experiencing challenges in certain areas of your studies, you can make an appointment with our counsellor to gain useful and practical input.

Student Mentors

The Department of Student Services will identify senior EWIC students to act as mentors by offering assistance and friendship to small groups of new students.